The firm provides various services for a wide range of companies in all sectors, such as: Energy & Gas, Electronics, Metal, Commercial, Financing, Food & Beverages, Real Estate, Internet & E-Commerce, Software, Communication, Media Advertising, Semiconductors, Bio-Technology Etc.
Internal Auditing
Our firm is one of the top leading firms in Israel in Internal Auditing and was acknowledged as one by being ranked 2nd by D&B in this field on 2017.
The IA department in our firms has over 20 years of experience in providing internal auditing services to the best private and public companies in Israel, such as Risk management, internal auditing, investigative auditing, IT auditing and cybersecurity.
The internal auditing services are being conducted by authorized accountants and internal auditors.
Implemenation of Sox and I-Sox
As part of the regulatory requirements, our firm implements SOX and I-SOX for companies traded on the various stock exchanges.
The implementation of SOX and I-SOX includes mapping and documenting the processes and procedures, which affect the financial reporting while evaluating the exposures in each of the tested processes.
Business Consultancy
Our firm provides professional business consultancy services to a wide range of clients by integrating their professional and business capabilities.
Our firm's consultancy services include conducting business analysis and developing strategies; representation before government offices and committees, tax authorities, Finance Ministry etc.; assisting with preparing business plans; advice on implementing financial and accounting projects; supporting Startups including representation and participation in business negotiations, etc.
Risk Assessment
Our firm has extensive experience in identifying, analyzing and assessing the risks the organizations is exposed.
In a risk survey, we identify risks that exist in the various work processes by collecting relevant information from functionaries in the organization.