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Inspectors of Labor Law

In order to compel employers to fulfill the provisions of existing labor laws in Israel, the Law for Increased Enforcement of Labor Laws, 5772-2011 came into effect on June 19, 2012 to enhance the enforcement of labor laws.

The Law imposes liability upon the entity ordering security, guarding, cleaning and catering services from a contractor and a comprehensive duty to inspect the fulfillment of the provisions of the labor laws with respect to the contractor employees. In certain cases, the Law also imposes on the entity ordering services, the civil, criminal and administrative duties of the contractor towards his employees. 

The Law authorizes inspectors appointed by the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, to impose high monetary sanctions on employers due to violation of provisions of most of the labor laws. 

Our office provides inspection services in accordance with the law which are based on decades of experience in internal audit services and risk management in companies and corporations. We assist comapnies implementing work processes and tailored controls to prevent violations and further violations in the future.

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